5 Ways a Plant-Based Diet Will Improve Your Life
Excerpt from The Plant-Based Workplace: In 2007, as part of a routine wellness checkup, I learned that I had high cholesterol and early signs of plaque building up in my arteries. The carotid artery scan report noted that I had the arteries of a 46-year-old, yet I was only 35. My doctor wanted to put me on […]
Is Starbucks Underreporting its Greenhouse Gas Footprint?
Starbucks has been my go-to spot when I travel. My favorites are their oatmeal, Pikes Place drip coffee with soy milk or, when I feel like splurging, a coconut milk cappuccino. Starbucks’ global presence and consistency of products and experience bring a sense of dependability and comfort to millions of consumers daily. But while they […]
Why a Plant-Based Diet is More Sustainable
“Meat produces more emissions per unit of energy compared with that of plant-based foods because energy is lost at each trophic level.” –Godfray et al. Science, July 2018 This short video is intended to help explain why eating a plant-centered dietary pattern is better for the environment. Additional Information: Godfray et al., Meat consumption, health, and the […]
Would you like fries with that?
It may be hard for some to imagine, but many people around the world eat insects as their primary source of “animal” protein. With the increasing number and intensity of hurricanes from warming temperatures and growing algal blooms due to nutrient runoff from factory farms, coupled with a growing population expected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050, the food system we […]